Last updated on January 12th, 2016 at 11:05 pm
Get a little handy with the kids (and little more than paper and paint) to recreate one of these awesome Valentine Hand Print Crafts.
Valentine Hand Print Crafts
There are some practical Valentine projects for teachers here, but any (or all) are also ideal if you’re a mom or dad wanting a quick, vibrant, loving keepsake for your child to share with other family members or friends.
1. Monkey Hand Prints is a bit of monkey fun from Michelle, the self-confessed, crafty housewife behind Crafty Morning, and her favorite little cousins.
2. Hand Print Flowers in a Duct Tape Vase, from the Fun Hand Print Blog, uses construction paper hand prints and a paper towel tube closed at the bottom and decorated with duct tape to make a vase.
3. Child’s Hand Print Keepsake, with a hand print poem printed on the back, is both simple and versatile. All you need is paper, decorative paper for a frame, paint, white glue and a hand-written or free printable hand print poem. Ideal for Valentine’s Day, but also Mother’s Day and Father’s Day as well.
4. Valentine Hand Print Trees bring the joy of spring cherry blossoms into February. Hand prints on canvas form the tree trunks and you’ll need dozens of pink hearts for the blossoms.
5. Hands That Touch the Heart, from The Frugal Girls, would work well on construction paper, wallpaper, canvas or as framed art work. All you need do is paint your child’s hands red and arrange the hand print with thumbs touching to form the heart shape within.
6. I Love You This…………..Much card touches me because the I Love You…..This Much gesture was a special part of my bedtime ritual with my own kids. Use your children’s handprints to make this adorable, expandable, irresistible Valentine card!
7. Faux Woven Hearts, by RootsAndWingsCo., are mounted on a construction paper frame and hung from a pretty ribbon. As you can see, each set of hand print hearts will be a different size, depending on the age and size of the children.
8. Peek-a-Boo, I Love You Valentine Card, by littletownhomelove, is a fun homemade card made personal by hand print cut-outs to cover the face on the card. 9. Heartfelt Greetings are so easy to make from a colored piece of paper folded in half. Trace and cut out hands, color and decorate as desired, then use the joined hands (with the heart shape in between) as a card – or attach to a pot of spring flowers for a very special Valentine gift.
10. Valentine Hand Print Flower Scroll – my personal favorite, for two reasons – this is a charming project that my own kids made for me, and it is also one of the first Valentine Hand Print Crafts that I ever posted (over 10 years ago now). The link has been shared thousands of times on Facebook, Pinterest, and other social media and its simple message of love is enduring and timeless.
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