Last updated on January 5th, 2023 at 01:08 am

Valentine Handprint Flower Scroll

by Jane Lake and Twila Lenoir
Hand prints or flowers? This Valentine’s Day scroll is sure to make you look twice to find out!
Make this pretty handprint keepsake as a gift from the heart for your mother, grandmother or aunt on Valentine’s Day.
Materials List:
» Acrylic paint (red, 2 greens and gold)
» child’s hands
» canvas or construction paper
Project Instructions:

Brush red, non-toxic, craft paint on your child’s hands, one at a time, and press on the paper. Repeat with the other hand. Paint on simple leaves and stems – you don’t have to be picture perfect!

If desired, sponge gold highlights around the edge of the picture using a makeup sponge and gold paint.

Write a personal message in red or gold marker. Here, we put “I love you Mom” but you can write whatever you like, wherever there is space.

Let the picture dry, then roll up and tie the red ribbon around it like a scroll. Hand deliver your Valentine scroll.
Later, you (or Mom) can place it in a glass frame to save forever.
My own grandchildren (and their crafty mom) took this idea a little bit further and made a priceless gem for me:
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