Last updated on November 30th, 2024 at 06:23 pm

By Barbara Swanson
Use felt sheets to make this customized and homemade Santa figure, embellished with Satin stitch embroidered eyes and finished with blanket stitches around the feet and gloves.

His friend, our Free Printable Felt Snowman ,made in the same way.
Both are lovely homemade additions to gifts, mantelpiece displays, wreaths or Christmas trees.
To begin your felt Santa project:
Print and Cut Out the Free Printable Felt Santa Pattern Pieces.
Collect the materials required, listed below, then proceed with the step-by-step directions.

You Will Need:
Click here to view and print felt santa pieces and patterns.
- One 9″ x 12″ sheet each of FlashFelt™
- – Holiday Red (or Red Rainbow Classic Felt™ )
– SnowFelt/White (or White Rainbow Classic Felt™ )
– Emerald Green (or Kelly Green Rain-bow Classic Felt™ ) - One 9″ x 12″ sheet each of Rainbow Classic Felt™ :
– Antique White
– Yellow - 1″ pom poms White
- Two 5/16″ buttons
- Embroidery floss: Black, Green & Red
- Craft glue
- Fiber fill
- Blusher (optional)
- General supplies:Scissors, sewing thread, pins, ruler, needle, and fabric marker.
Felt Santa Pattern Instructions:
WWSF = With Wrong Sides Facing
1. Cut felt as directed on the pattern pieces. TraSnsfer markings with the fabric marker. Also cut a 3/4″ X 7 3/4″ belt of Deep Space/Black Flash Felt and two cuffs of SnowFelt/White (1/2″ X 3 1/4″) and a hat brim (1/2″ X 6″) of Snow Felt/White Flash Felt.
2. Glue the face in place on the right side of the body front. Glue the nose in place. Using six strands of Black floss, stitch French Knots in place to create the eyes. Lightly brush cheek area with blusher, if desired.
3. WWSF, pin the front and back body sections together. Using two strands of Red floss, Blanket Stitch around the sides and head, leaving the bottom open. Stuff the body to the desired plumpness. Gather stitching along the lower edge. Pull the thread tightly and tack with a few Back Stitches to secure.
4. WWSF, pin the two feet sections together. Using two strands of Black floss, Blanket Stitch around the outer edge, stuffing lightly with fiber fill as you stitch. Place the feet under the Santa, centering over the gathered area, and stitch in place.
5. WWSF, pin two arm sections together. Using two strands of Red floss, Blanket Stitch around the outer edge, stuffing lightly with fiber fill as you stitch. WWSF stitch two mitten sections together, leaving the straight edge open. Place mitten over the hand and stitch in place. Wrap a cuff over the edge of the mitten and glue in place. Attach to shoulder area, stitching the top of the arm in place with a button. Repeat this process for the remaining arm.
6. Glue the beard in place.
7. With wrong sides facing, pin the hat sections together. Using two strands of Black floss, Blanket Stitch around the top curve, leaving the lower edge open. Place on the Santa’s head and baste in place. Carefully cut the slit in the hat brim and place over the hat, slightly overlapping the lower edge. Wrap the brim around the edge of the hat and glue in place. Stitch the holly leaves in place using six strands of Red floss and French Knots. Glue pom-pom to the top of the hat.
8. Wrap the belt around Santa and glue in place, overlapping the ends. Glue buckle at center front.
Copyright © 2001 Kunin Felt, Foss Manufacturing Company Inc.
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