Last updated on February 4th, 2021 at 01:53 pm
Free Knitting Pattern – Men’s Socks
From the Lux Knitting Book, a classic men’s socks knitting pattern using 4-ply fingering wool.
“Practical Socks for a Practical man …
Every woman wants a really good sock pattern. Every man loves nice hand knit socks. Here then is the double answer. Knit him a pair of this snug, mannish kind and you’ll both be happy.”
Before beginning to work, read Knitting Tips for information on abbreviations, yarn substitutions and more.
Materials: 4 ozs. 4-ply fingering wool; 1 set of 4 No. 13 steel needles (English gauge).
Size: 10 to 12 inch foot.
Tension: 9 sts., 12 rows = 1 inch.
Cast on 84 sts. (30 – 30 – 24) on 3 needles.
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Modern Designer Look of a Vintage Classic (available from Amazon):
1st round – * K. 1., P. 1. Repeat from * to end of round. Repeat 1st round until cuff measures 4 inches.
To Start Leg
1st round – * K. 4, P. 2. Repeat from * to end of round. Repeat last round until sock measures 7 inches from beginning. Knit the first 2 stitches of first needle on to 3rd needle.
To Shape Leg
1st round – K. 2. tog., P. 2, * K. 4, P. 2. Repeat from * until 2 sts. remain. K. 2 tog.
2nd round – K. 1, P. 2, * K. 4, P. 2. Repeat from * until 1 st. remains. K. 1.
Repeat last round 8 times.
11th round – P. 2 tog., P. 1, * K. 4, P. 2. Repeat from * until 7 sts. remain. K. 4, P. 1, P. 2 tog.
12th round – P. 2 tog., * K. 4, P. 2. Repeat from * until end of round. Repeat last round 8 times.
21st round – P. 2 tog., * K. 4, P. 2. Repeat from * until 6 sts. remain. K. 4, P. 1.
22nd round – P. 1, * K. 4, P. 2. Repeat * until 5 sts. remain. K. 4., P. 1.
Repeat last round until leg measures 11 inches from beginning.
To Make Heel
1st row – OP. 1, * K. 4, P. 2. Repeat from * once. K. 4. Slip last 17 sts. from previous round on to other end of same needle (34 sts. for heel). Divide remaining sts. on 2 needles and leave for instep.

2nd row – Purl the 24 heel stitches.
Work even in stocking stitch for 29 rows, ending with a purl row.
To Shape Heel
1st row – K. 21, S. 1, K. 1, P.S.S.O. Turn.
2nd row – P. 9, P. 2 tog. Turn.
3rd row – K. 9, S. 1, K. 1, P.S.S.O. Turn.
Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows until all stitches are worked. K. 5. (This completes heel).
Slip all instep stitches on to one needle. Using another needle, knit the remaining 5 heel stitches and pick up and knit 16 sts. along side of heel. With a 2nd needle, work in pattern across instep stitches. Using a 3rd needle, pick up and knit 16 sts. from other side of heel and remaining 5 heel stitches. Work 1 round even, keeping pattern on instep.
To Shape Instep
1st round – On first needle, knit until 3 sts. remain, K. 2 tog., K. 1. 2nd needle, work even in pattern. 3rd needle, K. 1, S. 1, K. 1, P.S.S.O. Knit to end of needle.
2nd round – Work even, keeping instep in pattern.
Repeat last round once.
Repeat last 3 rounds until 17 sts. remain on each of first and 3rd needles. Work even, keeping instep in pattern, until foot measures 7½ inches from where stitches were picked up at heel for a size 11 sock (6½ inches for size 10, and 8½ inches for size 12). Discontinue pattern.
To Shape Toe
1st round – Knit 2 tog., K. 8, K. 2 tog., *K. 9, K. 2 tog. Repeat from * to end of round.
Work 2 rounds even.
4th round – K. 8, K. 2 tog. Repeat from * to end of round. Work 2 rounds even.
7th round – * K. 7, K. 2 tog. Repeat from * to end of round. Work 2 rounds even.
10th round – * K. 6, K. 2 tog. Repeat from * to end of round. Work 2 rounds even.
13th round – *K. 5, K. 2 tog. Repeat from * to end of round. Work 1 round even.
Continue decreasing in this manner, working 1 even round between each decreasing round until there are 7 stitches remaining. Break wool and draw it through stitches. Fasten securely.
Hi, thank you for the free socks pattern. I’m a beginner in knitting socks and I don’t understand what you mean with OP. 1, (this is at the part ‘TO MAKE HEEL’ / first row)
I would be grateful if you explain what you mean by OP. 1,
Thank you
Freda Midgley
What does OP1 mean in the pattern
It appears to be a typo/mistake. It probably should read: P. 1, (without the 0 in front)
At the top of this page there is a link “Knitting Tips” where you can find abbreviation definitions etc…
It appears to be a typo/mistake. It probably should read: P. 1, (without the 0 in front)