Last updated on April 19th, 2016 at 10:12 pm
This homemade seed packet and matching pot is a lovely way to share the seeds from your favourite garden plants, and it looks attractive enough to use a personal housewarming gift or gardening gift.
by Twila Lenoir
Craft Supplies:
- free printable seed packet pattern
- clay plant pot
- potting soil
- 2 small clear plastic bags
- acrylic craft paints in brown and white
- permanent marker
- brown paper bag
- wallpaper remnants or fancy printed gift wrap
- decorative edging scissors or pinking shears
- spray sealer
- thin ribbon
Craft Instructions:

1. Print and cut out the free seed packet pattern. Trace the pattern on a brown paper bag, cut out, then fold and glue where indicated on the pattern.
2. With pinking shears or decorative edging scissors, cut out a rectangle from wallpaper or gift wrap. This needs to be a little smaller than the seed packet and should be glued to the front.
3. From white paper, cut a rectangle slightly smaller than the wallpaper rectangle, again using pinking shears or edging scissors. Decorate the top of this with a flower sticker or decal, a motif cut from wallpaper, or a rubber stamp design of your choice. You will repeat this decoration on the pot.
4. Write a positive message on the front the seed packet, such as “The Seed is Hope, The Flower is Joy.” Glue on a bow made from thin ribbon over the top of this message.
5. Paint the terra cotta plant pot in a color similar to that of your brown paper bag. Paint the rim white. Once the paint is dry, use permanent marker to write the same message around the rim that you wrote on the seed packet. Decorate the pot with a flower motif, decal, sticker or rubber stamp that matches the one that you used on the seed packet.
6. Add some potting soil to a clear plastic bag, seal, and place inside the plant pot.
7. Brush a finishing sealer on the pot.
8. Punch a hole in the top left corner of the seed packet. Place the seeds in a small plastic bag (tiny ziploc bags work very well). Seal the bag of seeds then slide it into the seed packet envelope and glue down the top flap.
9. Thread another length of thin ribbon through the hole punched in the seed packet. Use this to attach the seed packet to the bag of potting soil in the pot.
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